SW DAO Launches First-Ever Machine Learning Based Decentralized Hedge Fund
A giant leap forward for the democratization of structured financial products.
Today, December 1st, SW DAO, will revolutionize the Hedge Fund industry forever through the launch of the beta version of their Ethereum based decentralized application, accessible through www.swdao.org.
The SW DAO dApp enables investors to earn yield in the DeFi space through structured investment products that are fully automated and Machine Learning based. SW DAO seeks to become an industry leader of Decentralized Finance through the implementation of cutting-edge research methodology and digital infrastructure development.
“Our goal is to bring smart, actively managed portfolios to every DeFi user.”
The SW DAO product line has been in development since 2017. The flagship product, the “SW Alpha Portfolio” or SWAP for short, has outperformed ETH by a factor of 1.48x over the past year. The proven success of the product line will soon become evident to all consumers who wish to create a stream of passive income from the unique opportunities the DeFi industry presents.
Users can let SW DAO do all the work for them as the AI systems intelligently scan the market 24/7 in search for the next big breakout, and manage the optimal balance of yield and capital safety.
Beginning today, the SW DAO dApp will offer two first-in-class products with an additional index to follow shortly:
SW Alpha Portfolio (SWAP)
This ERC-20 tokenized portfolio manages risk through a combination of machine-learning AI and expert human intuition. SWAP has the ability to trade options, leverage positions and hold any asset on leading DEXs. SWAP has outperformed a pure ETH portfolio by a factor of 1.48x since September 2020.
SW Yield Farm (SWYF)
The SW Yield Farm is the perfect addition to any portfolio that seeks reliable passive income. Targeting an 80% APY net of fees, this product wraps a fully researched and insured basket of vetted, lucrative yield farm payments and liquidity mining rewards into a single token. SWYF targets 0% directional exposure to the markets meaning that macro market conditions will have a limited effect on the performance of this fund.
DeFi Momentum Index (DMI) — Coming January 2022
The DMI uses a momentum-based strategy to target outperforming both ETH and the DeFi Pulse Index (DPI). If you’re an ETH bull but also want exposure to the sudden upside in the DeFi space, this index will automatically rotate capital during breakout periods of the DeFi industry. DMI has outperformed ETH by 17% and DPI by 668% since September 2020.
A True All-In-One Solution
All users need to do to gain exposure to these products is buy and hold their associated ERC-20 token. This simple process massively reduces the number of transactions, reduces complicated tax obligations, and streamlines the experience for novice crypto users. These tokenized products are available today on our platform www.swdao.org.
In the future, the OTC trading desk will allow you to customize your market exposure and trade any asset you like while we become your trusted counterparty.
But this is just the beginning — The SW DAO platform infrastructure allows developers to build out any product the community can dream up. If you have a great idea for a crypto product or service, all you need to do is propose it to the community and get majority approval.
Our First Community Dividend Payment
Today SW DAO will airdrop the first dividend to SWD token holders and community governance participants. SW DAOs valued community members are receiving $0.527 per SWD token held, paid out in USDC. SW DAO strongly believes that if you’re taking part in the building and maintenance of an industry-shaking project, you should reap the rewards.
“We’re very excited to share this event with you, and can’t wait to see what the future holds for the DeFi space and SW DAOs place in it.”
The beta of the SW DAO dApp launches today at www.swdao.org.
Community Feedback
We would appreciate the feedback of all community members as today’s launch is just a Beta test.
Please submit issues and design updates you would like to see implemented in the next update via Google Form.
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