Crypto Copy Trading with an 80% Win Rate

The easiest way to copy our trades 📈

Sun Invest
4 min readJul 7, 2022

Looking to copy the trades of a professional trader in order to improve your own success rate? Look no further, because SW DAO has just launched our own copy trading service!

Our team has over 30 years of combined experience in the markets, and we’re proud to offer our services to you. In just six weeks since we launched, we have had an 80% win rate on all trades completed!

If you want to get in on the action, all you need is a ByBit account and to connect with our profile. We look forward to helping you achieve success in the markets!

Our Profile

Follow our SW DAO ByBit profile and connect it to your USDC derivatives account. We’ve totaled 30 trades since May 23 and have won 24 of them, an 80% win rate to date. So you can be confident that you’re joining a winning team! Plus, by connecting your account to our ByBit, you’ll be able to track our trades and monitor your own profit and loss in real-time.

Real Results

We’ve been testing out ByBit’s copy trading feature on a small account to see how it works in practice. So far, we’re impressed with the results. Our 50$ account has generated a 20% return since we first connected it to our account on June 1st and began following our own signals.

With ByBit Copy Trading, you can view all the current and past trades of the signal provider you’re following on two easy-to-understand tables. This transparency is crucial in assessing the profile of any given trade. It also allows you to quickly see if the provider is following their own trading strategy or deviating from it.

The trades that we reference in our SW Insights channel typically align with the trades taken in this ByBit account. These trades are usually side bets around our core position depending on our perception of the market at the time. For example, if we think the market is going to correct soon, we might take a short position in addition to our long position to hedge against downside risk. Conversely, if we think the market has more upside potential, we might add to our long position.

Our goal is always to generate alpha for our subscribers, and ByBit provides us with the perfect platform to do so. The account is highly liquid and allows us to take advantage of market movements quickly and efficiently. Plus, with its built-in risk management features, we can trade with confidence knowing that our positions are well protected. Ultimately, ByBit is the ideal venue for us to execute our trading strategy and generate consistent profits for our subscribers.

Saving Your Settings

When you enter the copy trading settings, you will see the ability to choose which contracts you want to follow, the leverage, and the position cost. We recommend using a 5x leverage and allocating 20% of your portfolio to each trade. This will allow you to participate effectively in every trade. The default is to enable all contracts to be traded, so there is no need for you to select them individually. Just make sure your USDC Derivatives balance is loaded and you’re ready to copy trade!

Empowering The Community

Our community has always been one of our top priorities, and we are excited to announce our new copy trading feature powered by our SW Insight discord channel. With this feature, you will be able to read our thoughts on the market and participate alongside us in real-time, reaping the benefit that our years of experience and proper risk management can offer.

We believe that this will provide our community and followers with more actionable insight into our method of trading and provide a deeper understanding of the market. As always, we are committed to providing the best possible experience for our community, and we hope that this new feature will help us achieve that goal. Thank you for your support!

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